Birthing the New Earth

Welcome to Birthing the New Earth.

This is a space filled with resourses for personal transformation and Empowerment.

For Soul alignment with personal joy, pleasure and life purpose.

In re-membering the power of our Sacred Prayer.

Combining ancient shamanic practice with modern neurological wisdom,

to support you to heal and transform your life into its highest potential at this time of great change.

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Here is a list of the resourses available now.

Sign up to be on the waiting list for this foundational Journey of Core Transformation.

Elixir, The Temple of the Stars.

Offering a deeper integrated journey of practices and events for Women in Sacred Arts of the Feminine.

Embodied Elemental Connection.

A deeper journey of resources, practices and online events for you to explore direct connection and balance with the Elements.


This is a group resource page for those are creating a web around our Mother Earth, weaving our visions of prayer into life. Through Embodied connection we rewire the nervous system into sensual connection with life. Taking part in any of the deeper journeys with the Temple of the Stars (through leads you into this online network. Within is ongoing availability of resources and further opportunity for online circles.

The Temple of the Stars is a space to be held by the universal womb space, which holds people to birth themselves through Shamanic Ritual, Ceremony and journeying. Involving sound, the elements, trance, embodied movement, ancient mystery and dance. A space for us to reconnect with our unique soul essence and gift to the world. To connect with our higher self, spirit guides and star-nation elders. Here you can find details of one to one sessions and group events. A vision from spirit, coming to life. Join us For an Embodied Shamanic Sound Journey, a blindfolded Trance Dance. Online so you can participate in your own home anywhere around our Mother Earth, this Full Moon April 23rd 2024! Event available all week, so you can use this practice as suits your timing and desire. This is a great way to get a feeling for the resources I share, in an affordable for all monthly practice.

My previous website, still active is now the home to my visionary art and blog…

It is through self transformation, re-connection to our life force energy and birthing ourselves into embodied connection that we Birth a New Earth. As we become in tune with our senses, our truest connection and soul potential in connection to Mother Earth and all life.

Our Feelings and senses are instrumental in what we are co-creating and through healing the impact of generational trauma, we can, and are re-empowering ourselves in our creation: in organic and authentic regeneration. Our deep connection to all life and our ability to transform and reclaim our potential is reflected to us through the waters, we are water and we are life.

Each of us is a part of that collectively. In this moment we are transforming ancient patriarchal systems which run right through our neurobiology – from power over to power from within. As we embody that power within, we create a gateway for all who follow as power comes through us in connection.

There is being love and what we do because we need love, (deep unconscious inherited patterns run through all of us). These pages offer practices for compassionate self transformation to bring us back into our central core of creation.

A deeper journey for you to transform and embody more of who you truly are. Deeper work and continued practice for personal healing, transformation and empowerment. Practices which can transform unconscious patterns with awareness, into embodied choice and connection – using compassion, time (repeated, continued practice) and integration.

In most western teaching we are taught and programmed how to remember.

In these practices, the first aspect is to forget everything we have learned. From this space we become comfortable knowing nothing, in the stillness.

It is from this space that all wisdom comes, all connection to other dimensions all our gifts and unique talents, where we truly re-member. From this space we can choose from within what is true to ourselves in the moment. In these practices you will be held to find the answers and direct connection within.

Through practice we can rewire neural networks and super highways of thought and bodily chemical production (neuropeptides) which effect our feeling states and entire nervous system responses. Practice supports us to widen our perception, life experience and so our personal creation.

Much of my work integrates ancient shamanic practice with creative and fun ways to integrate and rewire the brain to embodied sensuality and so true spiritual connection. Connecting our inner senses of Intuition, feeling, empathy, trust, foresight. inner wisdom and listening with our outer senses of touch, taste, smell and hearing. Teaching ourselves very gently with compassion and integrating self awareness and we give our brains a chance to rewire beyond conditioning to embodied connection with nature, personal choice, alligning with our personal joy.

It is with humility that I share these beautiful sacred ways of re-membering.

These practices do not offer a quick fix, they may offer great and continued insight and deep long term transformation and true magic. They take commitment and practice. If that is something you feel ready to invest in your life and you feel ready to begin to feel and receive the gifts that come with this, then I invite you to look deeper into these pages.