
This is available for Women who have taken part in the core-foundation resources.

Re-membering the ancient temple arts of the womb, in our connection to universal energies and creation. Supported by developments in our understanding of neurology and the nervous system, as we transform centuries of patriacal conditioning through sacred arts of the feminine.

A deep and held sacred space for women to journey deep within the magic of the body in connection to Mother Earth. A space for you to journey deep within yourself, offering ongoing practices for you to journey into your personal magic and weave a new way of personal creation. This involves journeying through the unconscious to reclaim our potential through authentic self-connection.

This journey will hold you deeply to explore inside you, into the depths of the feminine mysteries. Journeying into the light and dark, the cycles that make us whole and the energies that birth all life.

Welcome to the connecting page for Elixir, the Temple of the Stars.

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This is an opportunity to access online resources for Women only, you must take part in this fantastic opportunity and foundational care first (the core-foundation)

This is a space that has been greatly considered to meet your personal needs, in response to my own personal and deep journey of transformation. Lots of these resources can be accessed by you in your own personal space and time, at a pace that suits you. Once you make the personal choice to join, the door will open to personal and group online resources. This will take you into an online portal where you can access videos and instructions for the following Rituals and Ceremonies. These can be used again and again by you as a practice with no time limit

As we begin, a small group of four women, we can journey over four months together, through these rituals and still at a pace of involvement that suits you. Within these four months there will be an option to join also five, held online group zoom circles (included in the price), where you can share and reflect your journey within this space. Here I will bring in some magic in connection to our personal creativity in communicating with our personal messages from these practices.

There will also be the option to join group conversation online, with guidelines for a safe sharing space. At the end of the four months all the resources will still be available to you, ongoing.

Joining Elixir

As you join you will be invited to join a group resource page within: https://www.starnationgeneration.com/

(Within this page are resources only accessible to you as part of Elixir. You also have the option to access a wider portal with resources for men and women. It is your choice what you wish to connect with and this can also be a space where you can choose to only be within the women only space as the spaces and groups within are separate.)

This journey will hold you deeply to explore inside you, into the depths of the feminine mysteries. Journeying into the light and dark, the cycles that make us whole and the energies that birth all life. Within these journeys I share much of what I have personally discovered in these magical realms and really beyond that, this is a portal connecting to the universal energies and all mystery that exists within you. The journey involves these elements, and evolves as you take part!:

  • Trauma Awareness and Self Care. This work is deep and can touch our edges of trauma and there is guidance within how to pace yourself with awareness so as to find these practices healing, empowering and not re-traumatising.
  • Womb Connection. A deep integrating trance dance, embodied shamanic sound journey with guidance. Through centuries of conditioning and intergenerational trauma, we have become disconnected from our centres of power and creation. This manifests in complex symptoms of dysfunctional of both self and society. Through rewiring our senses to the ancient wisdom and universal connection within our wombs, we can reconnect with who we are on a personal level and in what we are Birthing into a New Earth. This is not a quick change of being, but something our bodies can relearn and re-member through practice. The ancient wisdom within our womb space is unlimited and this is a practice to reconnect to this and to deeply empower life.
  • Embodied Elements. A deep integrating trance dance, embodied shamanic sound journey with guidance. To go inwards and find connection is a very feminine way. To listen to our feelings as an internal compass to connect us, through our bodies, with the support of Mother Earth, to our higher selves, our soul. This journey is to support us to reconnect to our senses, in exploration and Balance of the elements. To find our allies in the spirit world and our personal medicine. An opportunity and practice to work with the elements and find their gifts and our balance, to find ourselves in our centres, supported in what we are creating and the gifts we bring. (there is much deeper journey into all the elements in embodied elemental connection which you can take part in as well or instead (see this link https://birthingthenewearth.com/?page_id=85 )).
  • Yoni Power. A deep integrating trance dance, embodied shamanic sound journey with guidance. Our yonis are a sacred gateway to our inner temple, or wombs our bodies. They are a gateway for connection to Mother Earths life giving energy and also our pleasure centres. A core of energies and nerves runs up our centres to our brains and beyond as we channel spiritual energy. This is a centre which has been generationally mistreated. Through journey we empower ourselves to come deeper into this centre in connection to Mother Earths Powerful energies and our own roots, sovereignty, personal choice and spiritual embodiment.
  • Yoni Steam preparation ( guidance on how to prepare what you need for this continued practice)
  • Yoni Steam Journey A beautiful and healing, ancient practice, that works to heal the Yoni and directly calm the nervous system, brain and body into deeper connection. this is an ancient practice, which is still a deeply important practice in many cultures around our Mother Earth. The practice has countless healing benefits and can be used in many ways to support uterine and menstrual health. This practice and journey is for deeper embodiment, healing and cleansing of this sacred centre. Supporting our personal energy, personal boundaries and creation. This centre when treated well supports us to birth life and all our creations.
  • Parts Practice. This is a practice to bring parts of our selves, trapped in unconscious patterns into awareness and alignment. We are creating and manifesting on all levels with our conscious and unconscious energies. Unconscious energies teach us where our energies are hidden or trapped or out of alignment with what we are creating. Through our lives, aspects of our self become fragmented and we can be un aware. Messages from our body and lives can lead us into awareness, this is a practice to support us to connect with all parts of ourselves, to communicate with care and compassion with parts of our self, as we find our gifts and ways to meet our unmet needs and desire. Through awareness and self care we come into alignment and whole in ourselves. This is a practice we can return to, and journal with. It can deeply support us in healing, self transformation and transformation of ancestral patterns as we come into awareness and compassionate self-acceptance. It is the energies in our unconscious which hold great power in our creation (some call this shadow, yet it is all life force energy). Through transformation we can unlock much more of our personal potential, magic and life force energy.
  • Nurturing/ Wisdom and Protection. A deep integrating trance dance, embodied shamanic sound journey with guidance. These are the qualities that support us to deeply ground, to find self-resource. This is deeply important and foundational in supporting the healing of trauma, which we all have on a differing scale. In really cultivating these qualities through our neurology we can transform intergenerational trauma through supporting our own inner child, soul essence and personal power. These qualities support our brains to come out of threat states, which we may may not even be aware of. Supporting us to come home, into what is known in modern psychotherapy as the ‘window of tolerance’. Yet to personally know what we need (which we may not be aware of), it deeply supports us to call into our lives, in a sacred space these qualities with the power of our intention. In a trance state we receive guidance within and this can deeply support us in knowing what we really need, knowing within which therapies are good for us and finding support on all levels. When we are in our ‘window of tolerance’, we are grounded and from here we can make conscious choice, and empowering healing can happen. This is a practice we can return to for support on this journey of transformation. Through developing these resources within, we truly become empowered as our brains rewire beyond centuries of conditioning and often inherited brain patterns relating to attachment, into who we truly are becoming through personal choice. This is a practice we can use again and again to create new neural networks of safety, and so embodiment.
  • Blood Mysteries. A deep integrating trance dance, embodied shamanic sound journey with guidance. Through ancient times, to now, in the mystery schools and in spiritual practice, and fertility rites, the importance of menstrual blood and cycles is foundational to the quality and value of all life. With so many suffering from menstrual problems, pain, fertility issues the quality of all life is affected. Through spiritual and embodied connection to what has been hidden and distorted in shame we have an opportunity in this moment to transform life. We, through the threads of DNA in our blood and mitochondria, are the evolution of life and through reconnecting to the power of life cycles and the spiral of life that runs through all, have an opportunity to re-member. This is an opportunity to reconnect to the inherent wisdom that is still within us to work with the magic and mysteries of our blood.
  • Sexual Energy. A deep integrating trance dance, embodied shamanic sound journey with guidance. Sexual energy and Eros is the magic and healing source of life. Through patriarchal society, this energy has been distorted to that which is to please men or create children, for society based on industry and financial gain. This energy in ancient times in the temples of priestesses and in ancient healing practices was used in a very different and empowering way. In a trance state our body remembers who we are and how this energy moves, and can heal traumas and blockages to this energy. This is a practice to support our bodies to remember in safe personal space. Sexual energy is the energy that connects all life and through exploring our Eros we connect to this life force, to what ignites us and so to what it is we are here to bring to life in our love, work and play.
  • Temple Dance. A dance journey that brings into embodied practice all of the gifts of the journeys and practices shared in this space. Though dance and journey, weaving the inner and outer worlds and all the teachings of the other journeys. This practice supports us to really integrate and embody the gifts of all the other practices.
  • Sacred sharing circle. The opportunity to join 5 group online- zoom calls. in sacred circle where we can share and integrate our findings. Each circle will begin with a live online Shamanic Journey to connect with what we have been journeying with together, before we have a chance to share. Here I will bring in some beautiful ways to work with messages from our unconscious in really creative ways. These circles happen over a journey of 4 months as we begin.

The dates for these circles are (all Thursday Eves, close to the New Moon). The Time for all dates will be 6pm UTC/GMT 6pm-8.30pm which is 12noon-2.30pm CST. It is not essential that you take part in all groups as the resources stand alone, yet these circles will weave much magic.

The group will be four participants and myself, Seque. This gives time and space for each of us taking part to express and share the magic thet comes through in these practices. This is an intimate space which supports us to build trust and care in how we share.

I have not included one to one sessions in this price as this is a deeply personal choice (this is explained more deeply in the starnations consent articles (see link below) . I now only offer these sessions (at a further cost) to people on one of these deeper journeys and you can find info on these sessons at https://templeofthestars.org/spiritual-embodiment-sessions/ It is now my passion to work with people who are integrating at this depth in a safe container, and that is what I offer to those who wish for it.

Timing of this journey and payment details

The Doors will open again soon! Email me to enquire info@templeofthestars.org

For now do sign up to the mailing list and you are welcome to email me with any questions.

Thankyou, Seque. Info@templeofthestars.org

Once you join and we begin, all the resources will be available to you to access in your own time and space. This is so you have awareness and no pressure to go at any pace. We will also go on a four month journey in the group where we aim to journey at a similar time through the practices. With four interspaced zoom calls to connect. There is no pressure to go at the same pace as the group, as it is suggested. And you are welcome to join the group calls to share where you are, on your personal journey within them.

The live shamanic journey within each zoom call (2 .5 hours) gives us something to bring our journey more deeply together in the moment. And is an opportunity for us to share and integrate deeper all these practices.

Taking part costs £700. There is an option to pay for that here. You are welcome to mail me with questions before booking. info@templeofthestars.org

Due to the ongoing nature of these resources, there is no refund available once you make the financial and soul choice to enter into this sacred gateway. As taking part in the Core Foundation resourses is a pre-requisite you will have a deeper inner knowing if this is for you, before booking. If for any reason I dont go ahead with the journey (for example if the minimum of 4 participants do not join), then you will recieve a full refund.

Once we begin or once the spaces are full there will be no option to join until doors open again (at least 4 months). Do read this page describing more about the online resources and the consent for safe online space before booking: https://www.starnationgeneration.com/

This Space is for Women only. Im exited to hold you on this empowering soul journey! In beauty, Seque.

Email me here for more info or to be on the waitinglist
