Core Foundation

Welcome! You have found a gateway to an easily affordable option to connect with your inner being, to build safety and trust as a foundation for personal transformation, to explore and connect with your authentic power of creation.

I have created this, as I wish to get to meet you personally and hear your personal needs within this sacred space. Its a fantastic and affordable way to connect with what I offer here, and to really connect with the core issues that you are working through personally. Giving support and holding to reach your soul potential at this time of great change!

If this appeals I invite you to read deeper !

This is the foundation and gateway into all the supportive resources available through this network. Created to inspire and empower your personal journey, giving you the resourses to build your personal core and foundation.

The resourses offered in this site offer much magic and taking part involves deep inner work. This is here to give you a stong and safe foundation. This is about transforming centuries of conditioning back into our core of empowered creation. Of course this involves moving through traumas and that is why these foundational skills are essential to hold you in the safest way for authentic healing to take place. This is a personal one to one space to work with these resourses intimately with yourself, offering personal holding just for you. This is important as it supports your individual nervous system needs.

Here you will find a bundle of resources to support inner transformation. Giving awareness and connection to your personal needs. This is a really big thing! This can mean moving through generational shame, dissasociation and trauma patterns to find a much more expanded, embodied, empowered resilience in life. Something that can support us all ! From this place we can then step into the magic of true spiritual connection as we anchor our higher selves into our earth walk.

These are foundational practices to support you on your personal journey. They stand alone and are the essential gateway to take part in any of these online deeper journeys if you choose. We can only choose authentically when our nervous system feels safe! This is so often out of our conscious awareness and can be on very subtle levels affecting our energy. If we dont feel safe, coping mechanisms and other ways to get our needs met come into play and this can block our life force energy and authenticity in connection with life. Here is a place for compasionate self awareness and support to move into alignment.

I have created these essential resources, with grounding techniques, the wisdom of neurology and the nervous system, giving you tools and wisdom to support your journey of inner transformation and soul alignment in a safe and supportive way.

You will find here, a foundation of Shamanic Resources, a beginning of stepping into the empowering journey of embodiment and so true authentic spiritual and soul connection as you step into your life purpose.

If you are interested in any of the resources on this website or working with me personally in one to one healing and support, this comes first and is here to give you the resources and support of deep self care!

Balance, Trust, Centred Connection, Re-membering, Listening, Alignment, the Foundation.

Over the month I will send several online practices as well as daily email promps to inspire journalling, with empowering meditation techniques and a wealth of practices.

As a part of this core foundation, included in the price, I also offer a one to one 30 minute personal call (via zoom or wattsapp) to connect and and option to share anything, ask any questions and insight. This time is for you and will be a safe space with a direct focus on grounding energy into the body and listening to your bodies insight. It is an opportunity to discuss things that come up in the practices and if you choose to look at and work through a specific block if you choose.

This work is deeply about re-membering that everything you need exists within. This is a complete rewiring of personal and collective conditioning. A deeply transformative journey and these resources are specificly created to give you support and inner wisdom to step into this journey in a safe and empowering way.

The practices, support and guidance are there to hold you as you journey deep into your personal authentic potential and connection with life, as you connect to your needs, desires and self creation, building a foundation within. This will support you in everything that you do. Drawing on modern psychotherapy techniques, neurological wisdom to give a fondational support in awareness of the brain and moving out of trauma in a safe and embodied way as well as the magic and insight of shamanic inner wisdom to support your life journey.

This is amazing transformative work and I welcome you!

This is an opportunity to connect with me and what I offer. It stands alone as a fantastic opportunity and is the doorway to join, if you choose deeper resourses and the many options that are growing on this website and at in-person retreats, events and future training opportunities.

Wow all this for the amazing price of £111. Sign up to connect and receive notifications when we begin in August 2024.

Email me directly with any questions at

looking forward to holding you on a magical journey.

Exited about this magic unfurling, with love Seque